1,777 research outputs found

    Fast Cross-Polytope Locality-Sensitive Hashing

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    We provide a variant of cross-polytope locality sensitive hashing with respect to angular distance which is provably optimal in asymptotic sensitivity and enjoys O(dlnd)\mathcal{O}(d \ln d ) hash computation time. Building on a recent result (by Andoni, Indyk, Laarhoven, Razenshteyn, Schmidt, 2015), we show that optimal asymptotic sensitivity for cross-polytope LSH is retained even when the dense Gaussian matrix is replaced by a fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform followed by discrete pseudo-rotation, reducing the hash computation time from O(d2)\mathcal{O}(d^2) to O(dlnd)\mathcal{O}(d \ln d ). Moreover, our scheme achieves the optimal rate of convergence for sensitivity. By incorporating a low-randomness Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform, our scheme can be modified to require only O(ln9(d))\mathcal{O}(\ln^9(d)) random bitsComment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Two-subspace Projection Method for Coherent Overdetermined Systems

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    We present a Projection onto Convex Sets (POCS) type algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. POCS methods have found many applications ranging from computer tomography to digital signal and image processing. The Kaczmarz method is one of the most popular solvers for overdetermined systems of linear equations due to its speed and simplicity. Here we introduce and analyze an extension of the Kaczmarz method that iteratively projects the estimate onto a solution space given by two randomly selected rows. We show that this projection algorithm provides exponential convergence to the solution in expectation. The convergence rate improves upon that of the standard randomized Kaczmarz method when the system has correlated rows. Experimental results confirm that in this case our method significantly outperforms the randomized Kaczmarz method.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1204.027

    Stable image reconstruction using total variation minimization

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    This article presents near-optimal guarantees for accurate and robust image recovery from under-sampled noisy measurements using total variation minimization. In particular, we show that from O(slog(N)) nonadaptive linear measurements, an image can be reconstructed to within the best s-term approximation of its gradient up to a logarithmic factor, and this factor can be removed by taking slightly more measurements. Along the way, we prove a strengthened Sobolev inequality for functions lying in the null space of suitably incoherent matrices.Comment: 25 page